Earl Stewart answers a question at a local presentation, that sheds light about how the Off Lease Only used car dealership operates. To be notified of new videos we post from the show, go to www.youtube.com/EarlStewartToyota and click on the Subscribe button.
Watch us on Facebook Live every Saturday from 8am to 10am. Go to www.facebook.com/EarlonCars to watch the broadcast.
Uncover additional automotive tips and facts at http://www.earlstewartoncars.com and follow Earl's tweets http://www.twitter.com/EarlonCars. You can also send a text to Earl and his expert team during the live show at (772) 497-6530.
You can listen to Earl and the team live every Saturday Morning from 8am to 10am on the True Oldies Channel 95.9 FM & 106.9 FM, and 960 AM (online STREAMEARLONCARS.COM). If you missed the show you can listen to the Earl Stewart on Cars podcast on SoundCloud.com/EarlonCars, the Apple Podcasts APP or on Stitcher Radio from the Google Play Store. Just search for “Earl Stewart on Cars” and click on the SUBSCRIBE button.